# Component Properties

# accessPassword

Accepts Values: string

(deprecated) When set, this password is required to use the component.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# accessTimeout

Accepts Values: seconds (int)

(deprecated) When set, this will persist authorization for access to the component for the time specified.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# allowedGroups

Accepts Values: int

Integer value for which groups should be allowed to interact with this component.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# allowPLC

Accepts Values: true, false

Defines whether a PLC can override the User Access system when calling this screen.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

Components (2): ScreenDynamic Panel

# alwaysOnTop

Accepts Values: boolean

When true, this overlay will always be displayed over other overlays that do not have this property set to true, even if those overlays are triggered later.

More Information: Dynamic Panels

Used in:

Components (1): Dynamic Panel

# appendTag

Accepts Values: tag

When the value of this tag is 1, write operations will append to the file. When 0, the file is overwritten.

Used in:

Components (1): File Write

# authorize

Accepts Values: freeAccess, useLoggedUser, onEachAccess

Determines access protections for this component.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# autoLoop

Accepts Values: true, false

If true, then video will automatically loop when ended.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Video Player

# autorepeat

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the action of the button will be repeated while the button is held.

Used in:

# autorepeatDelay

Accepts Values: int (milliseconds)

When autorepeat is enabled, this specifies the delay in milliseconds before the action is repeated.

Used in:

# autorepeatPeriod

Accepts Values: int (milliseconds)

When autorepeat is enabled, this specifies the delay between repeating the action of the button.

Used in:

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the background will blink between backColor and blinkColor.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-statePush Button

# backcolor

Accepts Values: color

Sets background color. Images are allowed to set this to transparent to support images with alpha masks.

Used in:

# barColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the value-bar.

Used in:

Components (1): Fill Slide

# beginArrow

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, an arrow will be displayed at the beginning point.

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# beginPoint

Accepts Values: x, y (ints)

Sets x and y position of the beginning point on the line.

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# beginX

Accepts Values: tag

Sets the screen X position of the beginning point. OI writes the start value from the OI application file and then reads updated values to move the component position.

More Information: Dynamic Lines

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# beginY

Accepts Values: tag

Sets the screen Y position of the beginning point. OI writes the start value from the OI application file and then reads updated values to move the component position.

More Information: Dynamic Lines

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# blinkColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color the background will change to while blinking.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-statePush Button

# borderWidth

Accepts Values: int (pixels)

Set the size of the border in pixels. 0 removes the border.

Used in:

# buttonBackColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the drop-down buttons background.

Used in:

Components (1): Combo-box Input

# buttonForeColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the drop-down buttons arrow.

Used in:

Components (1): Combo-box Input

# camID

Accepts Values: string

String that will be stored with the image in the database to designate which Camera was written. Can be used later to filter.

Used in:

Components (1): DB Image Write

# clickThrough

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, click/touch events are passed through this element to elements underneath. This can be used to allow portions of an image to be buttons without needing a button to be displayed over that section of image.

Used in:

# client

Accepts Values: vnc, rdesktop

Specifies whether to connect using VNC or Remote Desktop.

Used in:

Components (1): Remote Desktop Viewer

# closeTriggerOnEvent

Accepts Values: ZeroToNonZero, AnyChange

Determines when a change in the triggerTag will be used to trigger an action. ZeroToNonzero will trigger only when the tag value goes from zero to a non-zero value, and anyChange will trigger on any change in value.

Used in:

Components (2): BrowserGeneric Run

# closeTriggerTag

Accepts Values: tag

Component will watch this tag to determine whether to trigger an action. See closeTriggerOnEvent property.

Used in:

Components (2): BrowserGeneric Run

# color

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the lines.

Used in:

Components (4): Static TextRectCircleLine

# column:colHeading

Accepts Values: string

Static text for the header of this column.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# column:dbColName

Accepts Values: string

This sets the column name from the database table that should be displayed.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# column:readOnly

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, this will overwrite the readOnly setting from the DB Table element for this column.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# column:width

Accepts Values: int

Width in pixels for display.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# confirmationPanelNumber

Accepts Values: int

The dynamic screen number that will be shown when the push button is pressed.

More Information: Screens

Used in:

# confirmationReadTag

Accepts Values: tag

The tag that will be watched when the confirmation panel is shown. If the tag evaluates to 1 then the push button that triggered the panel writes the writeValue to its writeTag. If the tag evaluates to 2 then the panel is closed and no value is written.

More Information: Screens

Used in:

# currentRecordTag

Accepts Values: tag

Sets the value of the tag to the index of the record shown, usually the findRecordsTag value. If findRecordsTag is greater than total number of records, this will be the index of the record retrieved. So, if a table has 10 rows, and findRecordsTag is set to 20, the currentRecordsTag will read 11. 1

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (2): DB ReadDB Edit

# dataSourceSQL

Accepts Values: string

SQL query providing data for this component. DB Read can accept a table name. DB Edit accepts only tablenames.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# DB Connection databaseName

Accepts Values: string

Sets the name of the database to connect to.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# DB Connection driver

Accepts Values: DB Driver

Sets the database driver to use.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# DB Source databaseSource

Accepts Values: DB Source

Sets which of the sources to use from the Database Sources dialog.

More Information: Database

Used in:

# decimalPointPosition

Accepts Values: int (-1, 0, 1+)

Sets the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point. 0 will disable the decimal point, and -1 will attempt to automatically place the decimal based on the value of the number. When decimals are set, number values are rounded to fit, so 1.49 displayed on an input with 0 decimal places will be displayed as 1 and on an input with 1 decimal place will be displayed as 1.5. On inputs, numbers can be input manually on the keypad using more precision than the display shows: an input with 0 decimal places will accept 1.49 as a value and write 1.49 to the tags value but will show 1.

Used in:

# description

Accepts Values: string

A space to provide a description of the current component, useful for documenting intent.

Used in:

# dialColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the center of the dial.

Used in:

Components (1): Dial

# disabledColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets color of text when this input is disabled.

Used in:

Components (2): Numeric InputText Input

# disableTag

Accepts Values: tag

When tag value is an integer other than zero, interaction with this component is disabled.

Used in:

Components (2): Numeric InputText Input

# endArrow

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, an arrow will be displayed at the ending point.

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# endPoint

Accepts Values: x, y (ints)

Sets x and y position of the ending point on the line.

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# endX

Accepts Values: tag

Sets the screen X position of the ending point. OI writes the start value from the OI application file and then reads updated values to move the component position.

More Information: Dynamic Lines

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# endY

Accepts Values: tag

Sets the screen Y position of the ending point. OI writes the start value from the OI application file and then reads updated values to move the component position.

More Information: Dynamic Lines

Used in:

Components (1): Line

# execArguments

Accepts Values: string

Additional arguments that will be added to the end of the execution string.

Used in:

Components (1): Generic Run

# executable

Accepts Values: string

The command line program that will be executed with this component.

Used in:

Components (1): Generic Run

# executeOnStartup

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the script will be executed once on application start. No input tags are passed into the script when executed on startup. A parameter named STARTUP is passed to the script with value 1 ($_POST['STARTUP']==1 is true).

Used in:

Components (2): HTTP ScriptShell Script

# executeTemplate

Accepts Values: User_Specified, Windows_Chrome

OIB Functionality only – when set will auto-populate fields based on the template.

Used in:

Components (1): Generic Run

# featureIDTag

Accepts Values: tag

Tag specifies where the featureID data will be read from. This is stored with the image in the database.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Image Write

# fieldWidth

Accepts Values: int

Sets the number of integers that the component will display/accept. If the number of digits is larger than this then the # symbol will be displayed in its place. Note: the decimal point is considered a digit itself.

Used in:

# fileLocation

Accepts Values: USB_Flash, HardDrive, InternalFlash

Specifies where the file should be stored.

Used in:

Components (2): File WriteFile Read

# fileName

Accepts Values: string

Name of file to use for read or write operation.

Used in:

Components (2): File WriteFile Read

# fileNameTag

Accepts Values: tag

When set, file operations will use the value of this tag for the filename.

Used in:

Components (2): File WriteFile Read

# fillColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the filled in area.

Used in:

Components (3): Static TextRectCircle

# filled

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the shape will be filled with the fillColor.

Used in:

Components (3): Static TextRectCircle

# fillWithZeroes

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the number will be prepended with zeros up to fieldWidth.

Used in:

# filter

_Accepts Values: _

When readOnly is false, this will filter the results. Valid entries are SQL expressions.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# findRecordTag

Accepts Values: tag

When set to non-zero, will select the nth entry from the results. For writes, this will overwrite the nth entry from the datasource. Effectively applies an offset to the selection query.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (3): DB WriteDB ReadDB Edit

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, text will blink between transparent and foreColor.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-statePush Button

# foreColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets foreground color (usually text).

Used in:

# fullScreen

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the video will be scaled to show fullscreen. When false, the video will be shown at original size.

Used in:

Components (1): Video Viewer

# geometry

Accepts Values: x, y, width, height (ints)

Sets the visible geometry of the component: x and y from top left corner, and width/height. Editing these values can be useful when positioning/sizing finer than grid snap is needed.

Used in:

# gotoScreenNum

Accepts Values: int

Sets the screen number that will be displayed when button is pushed.

Used in:

Components (1): Goto Screen

# grid

Accepts Values: x, y

(deprecated) Defines the x/y spacing of grid in OI.

More Information: Screens

Used in:

Components (2): ScreenDynamic Panel

# hAlignment

Accepts Values: Left, Right, HCenter

Sets how the text is aligned on the component horizontally: left, right, or centered.

Used in:

# hasCloseButton

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, a close button is overlayed which will close the application being run.

Used in:

Components (1): Generic Run

# hasRaiseOIButton

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, a button labeled OI is shown in the bottom left that, when pressed, will return OI as the currently displayed application. The application will still be open.

Used in:

Components (1): Generic Run

# headerBackColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets background color for the row/column headings.

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# headerForeColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of text for the row/column headings.

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# hidden

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the component will not be visible on the screen.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-statePush Button

# hideTag

Accepts Values: tag

When tag value is an integer other than zero, the component is not displayed on the screen.

Used in:

# highlightForeColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets text color for selected list item.

Used in:

# hightlightBackColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets background color for selected list item.

Used in:

# holdTime

Accepts Values: int (milliseconds)

When set to non-zero, the button will be held in the pushed state for this many milliseconds.

Used in:

Components (1): Push Button

# homeUrl

Accepts Values: string

Url that is loaded at startup and on reloads.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# host

Accepts Values: string

Sets the host remote desktop server to connect to.

Used in:

Components (1): Remote Desktop Viewer

# image

Accepts Values: image

The image that will be displayed. Images are selected from the applications image collection.

Used in:

# imageSource

Accepts Values: string

URL for image, or local path to image device (such as /dev/video0 )

Used in:

Components (1): DB Image Write

# imageUrl

Accepts Values: string

Sets the URL for the image to be displayed.

Used in:

Components (1): Camera Image Viewer

# incDecButtons

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, increment and decrement buttons are shown with the component. False will not display these buttons.

Used in:

Components (1): Numeric Input

# indexChangeUpdatesDst

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, changes to the indexTag will trigger copy events, when false a trigger is needed to execute.

Used in:

Components (1): Tag Copy

# indexColumn

_Accepts Values: _

When readOnly is false, this will sets the index column of the table. Defaults to id (OI automatically creates this column is using DB Write to create entries).

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# indexGroupReadTag

Accepts Values: tag

Writes the number of tags read to this tag.

Used in:

Components (1): File Read

# indexGroupToReadTag

Accepts Values: tag

When set to non-zero, offsets which rows to read in the file by this tags value times number of tags in the taglist.

Used in:

Components (1): File Read

# indexTag

Accepts Values: tag

When set, only the nth set of tag-copy items will be executed.

Used in:

Components (1): Tag Copy

# indexTagOffset

Accepts Values: int

Offsets the index tag for tag copy. Helpful to use -1 so that indexTag=1 will copy the first item (tag-copy starts at index 0).

Used in:

Components (1): Tag Copy

# inputTags

Accepts Values: list of tags

Semicolon separated list of tags that will be sent to the script. Each entry can be a tag, a tag mapped to a separate name (tag > script_tag), or a constant (“text” > script_tag).

Used in:

Components (2): HTTP ScriptShell Script

# isDoneTag

Accepts Values: tag

Tag specifies where the component will write its status to. See details for each component.

Used in:

# isModal

Accepts Values: boolean

When true, this overlay will visually dim the underlying screen and prevent interactions with elements outside the overlay.

More Information: Dynamic Panels

Used in:

Components (1): Dynamic Panel

# isOverlay

Accepts Values: boolean

Property for screen that determines whether the screen acts as an overlay instead of a normal screen.

More Information: Dynamic Panels

Used in:

Components (1): Dynamic Panel

# keypad

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, will display numeric keypad for entry. False will not display the keypad.

Used in:

Components (1): Numeric Input

# knobColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the button used to slide.

Used in:

Components (2): Knob InputPointer Slide

# knobMarkerColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the position indictor on the knob.

Used in:

Components (1): Knob Input

# labelText

Accepts Values: text

Sets the text that is displayed on the dials label.

Used in:

Components (1): Dial

# lineWidth

Accepts Values: int (pixels)

Sets the width of the line in pixels.

Used in:

Components (3): RectCircleLine

# maxMajorTicks

Accepts Values: int

Sets the maximum of major tick marks on the displays scale.

Used in:

# maxMinorTicks

Accepts Values: int

Sets the maximum of minor tick marks on the displays scale.

Used in:

# maxValue

Accepts Values: int

Sets the maximum value the component will accept. If a larger value is entered manually an error will be displayed and keypad shown again.

Used in:

Components (1): Numeric Input

# maxValueTag

Accepts Values: tag

When set, the component will read the value in this tag and use that for the maxValue value.

Used in:

Components (1): Numeric Input

# mayOpenFile

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, operators can navigate and open other files.

Used in:

Components (2): PDF ViewerVideo Viewer

# minValue

Accepts Values: int

Sets the minimum value the component will accept. If a lesser value is entered manually an error will be displayed and keypad shown again.

Used in:

Components (1): Numeric Input

# minValueTag

Accepts Values: tag

When set, the component will read the value in this tag and use that for the minValue value.

Used in:

Components (1): Numeric Input

# monoImage

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, converts the image to black and white.

Used in:

# multistate

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, some of this component’s properties can be changed based on the state of the readvalue.

Used in:

Components (2): DialFill Slide

# multiStatePushButton

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the push button will also act as a multi-state indicator. Each state can have its own display and push/release values.

Used in:

Components (1): Push Button

# name

Accepts Values: string

Provide a name for the component. This can be helpful when using the "Used Components" tool in the tag editor.

Used in:

# needleColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the value-indicating needle.

Used in:

Components (1): Dial

# numOfColumns

Accepts Values: int

Sets the number of columns to display. Leave at 0 to auto-detect. When non-zero, properties are added to this component to specify the format of each column.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# offset

Accepts Values: x, y (ints)

Distance image will be translated.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-stateImage

# offsetEnabled

Accepts Values: true, false

Defines if offset property should be taken into account or should be ignored (applicable only for Multi-state indicator – images are placed by default in the center of the component).

Used in:

Components (1): Multi-state

# openTriggerOnEvent

Accepts Values: ZeroToNonZero, AnyChange

Determines when a change in the triggerTag will be used to trigger an action. ZeroToNonzero will trigger only when the tag value goes from zero to a non-zero value, and anyChange will trigger on any change in value.

Used in:

Components (2): BrowserGeneric Run

# openTriggerTag

Accepts Values: tag

Component will watch this tag to determine whether to trigger an action. See openTriggerOnEvent property.

Used in:

Components (2): BrowserGeneric Run

# orderBy

_Accepts Values: _

When readOnly is false, this will set the ordering of rows. Valid entries are names of the column.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# orientation

Accepts Values: Horizontal, Vertical

Sets the orientation of the component between a vertical slide or horizontal slide.

Used in:

Components (2): Fill SlidePointer Slide

# outputTags

Accepts Values: list of tags

Semicolon separated list of tags that will be read from the script. Each entry can be a tag, or a script tag mapped to an oi tag (oi_tag < script_tag).

Used in:

Components (2): HTTP ScriptShell Script

# partIDTag

Accepts Values: tag

Tag specifies where the partID data will be read from. This is stored with the image in the database.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Image Write

# password1

Accepts Values: string

(deprecated) When set, this password is required to use the component. Up to 5 passwords can be set for this component. If all are left blank, this method of authentication is not enabled.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# password2

Accepts Values: string

(deprecated) When set, this password is required to use the component. Up to 5 passwords can be set for this component. If all are left blank, this method of authentication is not enabled.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# password3

Accepts Values: string

(deprecated) When set, this password is required to use the component. Up to 5 passwords can be set for this component. If all are left blank, this method of authentication is not enabled.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# password4

Accepts Values: string

(deprecated) When set, this password is required to use the component. Up to 5 passwords can be set for this component. If all are left blank, this method of authentication is not enabled.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# password5

Accepts Values: string

(deprecated) When set, this password is required to use the component. Up to 5 passwords can be set for this component. If all are left blank, this method of authentication is not enabled.

More Information: User Access

Used in:

# passwordMode

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the value of the readTag is obscured.

Used in:

# playSound

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the video player will play the audio. When false, the audio is muted.

Used in:

Components (1): Video Viewer

# playVideoTag

Accepts Values: tag

When non-zero, this component will attempt to play the video at the specified feed. When zero, no content will be loaded or displayed.

Used in:

# playVideoTag

Accepts Values: tag

When the value of this tag is non-zero then the video file will play.

Used in:

# printCharsPerLine

Accepts Values: int

Specifies how many characters will be printed on a single line.

Used in:

Components (1): DB Write

# printColumnSeparator

Accepts Values: string

Defines the separator between columns.

Used in:

Components (1): DB Write

# printHeader

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, a header containing the names of the tags will be written.

Used in:

Components (1): DB Write

# printToPrinterOnPort

Accepts Values: Disabled, LPT*, COM*, USB*, USBToSerial*

Specifies which serial port to send print commands to.

Used in:

Components (1): DB Write

# pushValue

Accepts Values: int

This sets the value that will be written to the writeTag when the button is in the pushed state.

Used in:

Components (1): Push Button

# rangeMax

Accepts Values: int

Sets the maximum value the dial/slide displays.

Used in:

# rangeMin

Accepts Values: int

Sets the minimum value the dial/slide displays.

Used in:

# rdesktopPassword

Accepts Values: string

Sets the password to be used to connect to the remote computer.

Used in:

Components (1): Remote Desktop Viewer

# rdesktopUser

Accepts Values: string

Sets the user to be used to connect to the remote computer.

Used in:

Components (1): Remote Desktop Viewer

# readOnly

Accepts Values: true, false

When false, allows individual fields to be edited by clicking on them. This only works when datasource is a tablename (does not work with datasource that is an SQL Query).

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): DB Table

# readTag

Accepts Values: tag

Tag specifies where to read the data that will be displayed.

Used in:

# readTagValueLogic

Accepts Values: Equal, RangeGreater, RangeGreaterEqual, RangeLesser, RangeLesserEqual

Sets the logic that will be applied against the read tag. To evaluate, OI will build a comparison with the readTag value on the left, the logic type as the comparison, and the tagValue defined in the component on the right (such as a state’s tagValue).

Used in:

Components (3): Multi-stateDialFill Slide

# redirectRFID

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, RFID values will be passed through as keyboard events.

Used in:

Components (1): Browser

# refreshDoneTag

Accepts Values: tag

When a database refresh is completed, this tag will be set to 1. During a refresh it will be set to 0.

Used in:

Components (3): DB ReadDB EditDB Table

# refreshOnEvent

Accepts Values: ZeroToNonZero, AnyChange

Determines when a change in the triggerTag will be used to trigger an action. ZeroToNonzero will trigger only when the tag value goes from zero to a non-zero value, and anyChange will trigger on any change in value.

Used in:

# refreshPeriod

Accepts Values: int

Time in seconds that the contents of this component will be refreshed.

Used in:

Components (0):

# refreshTag

Accepts Values: tag

Component will watch this tag to determine when to refresh data. See refreshOnEvent property.

Used in:

# refreshTime

Accepts Values: int

Time in seconds that the contents of this component will be refreshed.

Used in:

# releaseValue

Accepts Values: int

This sets the value that will be written to the writeTag when the button is released following a push.

Used in:

Components (1): Push Button

# reloadOnEvent

Accepts Values: ZeroToNonZero, AnyChange

Determines when a change in the triggerTag will be used to trigger an action. ZeroToNonzero will trigger only when the tag value goes from zero to a non-zero value, and anyChange will trigger on any change in value.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# reloadTag

Accepts Values: tag

Component will watch this tag to determine when to reload the homeUrl of the embedded web panel.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# reloadTime

Accepts Values: int

Time in seconds that the embedded web component’s homeUrl will be reloaded.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# rotation

Accepts Values: int

Number of degrees the image is rotated around rotationOrigin point. The rotation value will be applied to the component when OI screen is loaded and rotationTag is missing, or before rotationTag value is read from PLC. This property is useful for testing rotated images in OIB during development. Default value is 0.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-stateImage

# rotationOrigin

Accepts Values: x, y (ints)

Sets rotation point of the component. Values are relative to the top-left of the component (0,0).

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-stateImage

# rotationTag

Accepts Values: tag

Read tag – value defined in degrees the image is rotated around the rotationOrigin point.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-stateImage

# rtspVideoURL

Accepts Values: URL

RTSP connection string for an RTSP feed. Supports username/password in the URL. Use format rtsp://user:password@rtsp_server.com

Used in:

Components (1): Camera RTSP Video Viewer

# scale

Accepts Values: int

When true, will scale the value to be displayed. For inputs, the number will be unscaled when written: typing in 3 on a numeric input with a 2 scale will result in 1.5 being written to the tag.

Used in:

# scaleBackgroundColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the outer ring of the dial.

Used in:

Components (1): Dial

# scaleColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the scale (tick marks).

Used in:

# scaledImage

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, scales the image to the size of the component. When false, the image is painted 1:1 scale, and any pixels outside the component area are not painted.

Used in:

# screenNumber

Accepts Values: int

This defines the number value for this screen. Used in goto-screen selectors, and in the application control and status tags to communicate current screen information to a PLC.

More Information: Screens

Used in:

Components (2): ScreenDynamic Panel

# script

Accepts Values: string

Filename of script to run – will only run scripts in the application script directory ___shellscripts.

Used in:

Components (1): Shell Script

# scriptUrl

Accepts Values: string

URL for script to run. Can be remote request (http://www.example.com/script.html), or application script relative to the application ___httpscripts folder ( script.php?t=xxx&d=yyy ).

Used in:

Components (1): HTTP Script

# showLiveImageInOIB

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, OIB will attempt to load the image specified in imageUrl and display the image in OIB. Helpful for debugging.

Used in:

Components (1): Camera Image Viewer

# showLiveInOIB

Accepts Values: true, false

When true the embedded web viewer contents will be loaded and shown in OIB.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# showNavigator

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, shows an overlay with navigation controls.

Used in:

Components (2): PDF ViewerVideo Viewer

# showTag

Accepts Values: tag

Tag which will trigger showing this component or dynamic panel.

More Information: Dynamic Panels

Used in:

Components (1): Dynamic Panel

# showToolBar

Accepts Values: true, false

When true the browsers toolbar will be displayed at the top of the components contents.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# slideAreaColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of the area the knob slides over.

Used in:

Components (1): Pointer Slide

# startupFile

Accepts Values: string

Sets the file to load when the viewer is opened.

Used in:

Components (2): PDF ViewerVideo Viewer

# startupPage

Accepts Values: int

Sets the page number to navigate to when the viewer is opened.

Used in:

Components (1): PDF Viewer

# startUpUrl

Accepts Values: string

Sets the URL that will be loaded when the component opens.

Used in:

Components (1): Browser

# startupZoom

Accepts Values: int

Sets the starting zoom factor when the component is opened.

Used in:

Components (1): PDF Viewer

# stateTextChanged

Accepts Values: tag

Write tag – writes to this tag when the state changes. Write values alternate between 0 and 1.

Used in:

Components (1): Multi-state

# stateTextWriteTag

Accepts Values: tag

Write tag – writes the contents of the current states text to this tag.

Used in:

Components (1): Multi-state

# statusTag

Accepts Values: tag

Tag specifies where the component will write its status to. See details for each component. Database components write 1 for error, 0 otherwise.

Used in:

# stepValue

Accepts Values: int

Sets the amount the value changes when pressing the increment/decrement buttons.

Used in:

Components (1): Numeric Input

# tableName

Accepts Values: string

The name of the database table.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (0):

# tableRowsLimit

Accepts Values: int

When non-zero, this will limit the number of rows in the database table. Rows added beyond this limit will result in the oldest values being removed.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (0):

# tableSizeLimitMB

Accepts Values: int

When non-zero, this will limit the size of the database table based on storage size. Any entries added that exceed this size will result in the oldest rows being deleted.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (0):

# tagList

Accepts Values: list of tags

List of tags used to write values. See component details for more information.

Used in:

# tagValue

Accepts Values: int/string

In the state editor for the component, this sets the value of the state. When the tags value equals this value the component will select this state. If no state matches, the Error state will be displayed.

Used in:

Components (2): Multi-statePush Button

# text

Accepts Values: text

Sets the text that is displayed on the component.

Used in:

# textBold

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the text will be displayed in heavier type.

Used in:

# textColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the color of text.

Used in:

# textSize

Accepts Values: int (points)

Sets the text size in points.

Used in:

# textWrap

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, line breaks are inserted to keep long text within the horizontal space of the component. Text that extends past the bottom edge is not displayed.

Used in:

# toolbarColor

Accepts Values: color

Sets the background color of the toolbar (if toolbar is visible).

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# totalRecordsTag

Accepts Values: tag

Sets the value of the tag to the total number of rows available.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (2): DB ReadDB Edit

# totalTagsWrittenTag

Accepts Values: tag

The number of tags that have been written is recorded to this tag.

Used in:

Components (1): File Write

# transparent

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the background is not painted.

Used in:

# transparentBack

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the part of the image that would be considered the back-color when converted to black and white (monoImage) is set to transparent. Setting transparentFore to true will change this value to false.

Used in:

Components (1): Image

# transparentBackground

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the component does not fill in space around displayed elements.

Used in:

Components (2): DialPanel Selector

# transparentFore

Accepts Values: true, false

When true, the part of the image that would be considered the fore-color when converted to black and white (monoImage) is set to transparent. Setting transparentBack to true will change this value to false.

Used in:

Components (1): Image

# triggerOnEvent

Accepts Values: ZeroToNonZero, AnyChange

Determines when a change in the triggerTag will be used to trigger an action. ZeroToNonzero will trigger only when the tag value goes from zero to a non-zero value, and anyChange will trigger on any change in value.

Used in:

# triggerRefreshTag

Accepts Values: tag

Component will watch this tag to determine whether to trigger a refresh of its data. See triggerOnEvent property.

More Information: Database

Used in:

Components (1): Combo-box Input

# triggerTag

Accepts Values: tag

Component will watch this tag to determine whether to trigger an action. See triggerOnEvent property.

Used in:

# vAlignment

Accepts Values: Top, Bottom, VCenter

Sets how the text is aligned on the component vertically: top, bottom, or center.

Used in:

# videoFile

Accepts Values: string

Filename of video to play.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Video Player

# vncDebug

Accepts Values: true, false

If true, then more verbose logging is sent to /var/log/oi.log and a communication graph is displayed.

Used in:

Components (1): Remote Desktop Viewer

# width

Accepts Values: int

Sets the size of the slide (width for vertical, height for horizontal). Remaining space within the component is used for the scale.

Used in:

Components (2): Fill SlidePointer Slide

# writeTag

Accepts Values: tag

Tag specifies where the component will write data on changes.

Used in:

# xClickWriteTag

Accepts Values: tag write

When set, the x position relative from the top-left corner of any touch events on this component will be written to this tag. Only the touch start event is written (the position where the touch is released and positions during drag are not written).

Used in:

Components (1): Image

# xmlRpcFunction

Accepts Values: string


Used in:

Components (1): Combo-box Input

# xmlRpcParameters

Accepts Values: string


Used in:

Components (1): Combo-box Input

# xmlRpcServer

Accepts Values: string


Used in:

Components (1): Combo-box Input

# xOffsetTag

Accepts Values: tag

When true, the part of the image that would be considered the fore-color when converted to black and white (monoImage) is set to transparent. Setting transparentBack to true will change this value to false.

Used in:

Components (1): Image

# yClickWriteTag

Accepts Values: tag write

When set, the y position relative from the top-left corner of any touch events on this component will be written to this tag. Only the touch start event is written (the position where the touch is released and positions during drag are not written).

Used in:

Components (1): Image

# yOffsetTag

Accepts Values: tag

When true, the part of the image that would be considered the back-color when converted to black and white (monoImage) is set to transparent. Setting transparentFore to true will change this value to false.

Used in:

Components (1): Image

# zoomPerc

Accepts Values: int

Percentage zoom used to scale contents of embedded web panel.

Used in:

Components (1): Embedded Web Browser

# zoomX

Accepts Values: float

Sets the width of the component to the width of the image times this value. This allows fitting images larger than the screens display resolution onto the screen.

Used in:

Components (1): Image

# zoomY

Accepts Values: float

Sets the width of the component to the height of the image times this value. This allows fitting images larger than the screens display resolution onto the screen.

Used in:

Components (1): Image

Last Updated: 2/8/2023, 3:20:47 PM